To those who still need to finalize 2023 charitable donations, please consider a special year-end gift to the parish. Charitable donations for the 2023 tax year must be submitted or postmarked by December 31.
You can direct your gift to:
Pay Down The Debt to help reduce the principal balance on the $2.75 million loan to build the Worship Center.
Sunday offertory to help offset the general operating expenses.
Priest Welfare and Retirement Fund to care for our retired priests.
You can give by:
Contributing online via WeShare before midnight on December 31.
Donating stock by completing and following the instructions on this stock donation form. If the gift is for the tax year 2023, please initiate that and make sure the stock is transferred to the diocese account by December 31.
Mailing your check to the following address by December 31 or earlier:
Thank you for your continued support and generosity to Mother Teresa Parish this past year. For more information on how to make a difference by contributing a year-end gift to our parish, please get in touch with Michelle Yeh or call (919) 748-0427.