The spring food drive for Durham Community Food Pantry will be on the weekend of March 16 and 17. Please bring your donations when you come to Mass and look for the DCFP truck in the parking lot.
Donate groceries and personal care products. Use this shopping list as a guide or purchase multiples (for example, a case) of a couple of items. Urgently needed items are in bold:
If you have no time to shop, monetary donations go a long way towards purchasing bulk pallet quantities at lower prices, perishable meat and produce, and other overhead expense items like maintenance and gasoline for the food truck.
Monetary donations are tax-deductible. Donate cash or by check payable to Durham Community Food Pantry. You can give online via WeShare.
We also need volunteers before and after Mass to carry food collections from donors' cars to the DCFP truck, load the truck, collect monetary donations, and help with traffic flow. Sign up here for a fantastic service opportunity for young and old alike.
Your support makes a difference in our local area, where many struggle with food shortages and adequate nutrition. DCFP is an integral part of the Catholic Charities network of food pantries across the diocese.
The Durham pantry has grown to rely on the tremendous support of the Mother Teresa Community and other parish partners and greatly appreciates our help with food and cash donations from our ongoing food drives.
This is an excellent opportunity to share our gifts, talent, and time in the spirit of Mother Teresa, who did so much for the betterment of others in need. This gives us all a tremendous modern-day way to help feed the hungry.