The March for Life was a Holy Spirit-filled experience. Tens of thousands of people surrounded us, all coming together for the singular purpose of defending life at all stages.
Every speaker was powerful, but Vice President Vance's presence and words were the most significant. It was incredible to hear our vice president say, "We march to protect the unborn; we march to proclaim and live out the sacred truth that every single child is a miracle and a gift from God."
We left Washington D.C. inspired and motivated to continue the pursuit of making abortion unimaginable and unthinkable.
- Nicole Swannack
Top Right: Rose, Charlotte, Bridget, and Joe Swannack. MTCC Teens for Life.
Right: Jim Duncan, Respect Life committee chair with Mother Olga of the Sacred Heart, founder and servant mother of the Daughters of Mary of Nazareth. Mother Olga spoke at the March for Life Rally and said grace at the Rose dinner.