Open your heart, open a door, and put the Gospel into action by giving to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal. This yearly effort enables the Diocese of Raleigh to fund a variety of vital programs and ministries throughout eastern North Carolina.
The BAA is your opportunity to make a difference in and beyond Mother Teresa Parish. When you open the door to your heart, you open the doors of ministry:
• 35% Christian formation and education. • 26% Catholic Charities • 14% Parish support and ministry services • 11% Catholic communications • 8% Seminarians & vocations • 6% Marriage, family & respect life
You may already have received your BAA envelope in the mail. Please return your donation directly to the diocese. Blank donation forms are available in the narthex.
Please note:
If you donate by check, please write "#619, St. Teresa of Calcutta Parish" on the memo line. If you give online, select "St. Teresa of Calcutta Parish, Cary" in the pulldown menu.