The Dominican Laity of Raleigh invites you to join us via Zoom as we reflect on how we can give birth to God through our lives this year on January 18 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sister Cheryl Clemmons, O.S.U., PhD, and Ursuline Sister of Mount St Joseph will present this program. To register, contact Charlotte Mercer or Joanne Benson.
Dominican Father Meister Eckhart, O.P. quoted St. Augustine when he called each of us to give birth to God in our daily lives. St. Augustine said, ‘What does it avail me that this birth is always happening if it does not happen in me? That it should happen in me is what matters."
For God to take on real flesh and power in the world, we must first do something. What? The answer lies in the way Jesus was born. Over 20 years ago, Fr. Ron Rolheiser, OMI, pointed out a four-fold pattern.