Our Faith Formation program always seeks ways to love God more, grow in our faith, and shine in all we do for him. Each learning group strives to provide excitement, encouragement, and assistance to our growing community of followers.
Centering on the family rather than formal classrooms, Mother Teresa Parish’s program offers a hybrid of regular small group gatherings that will supplement the at-home and online Faith Formation lessons.
Religious education, or catechesis, is only part of any child’s Faith Formation. In raising children in the faith, parents are primarily responsible for ensuring their children’s regular participation in the church’s sacramental life and for witnessing true Christian discipleship daily, especially in the home, the domestic church.
Regular participation in the church's sacramental life and a lived experience of Christian discipleship within the home are essential for cultivating good soil in which the seeds of faith imparted during Faith Formation classes may take root and grow.
The Love Group provides learning for pre-kindergarten children through the sacramental years of First Reconciliation and Holy Communion. We employ scripture, activities, and stories designed to engage the hearts and minds of our students so they may fully understand the grace, mercy, and love of God.
The Grow Group engages with stories of salvation history by finding verses in the Bible, completing crosswords, decoding messages, searching maps for an understanding of main events, and short answer questions and conversations.
The Shine Group is committed to preparing those teens for Confirmation. The program will help form young hearts into disciples of Christ, impacting families, parishes, and the church.
Our Faith Formation program is family-centered and dynamic. We offer a variety of programs for all children year round. If you're interested in helping with any of these, please fill out our volunteer interest form and we'll be in touch!
We celebrate three Sunday Masses that are special for our parish children each year at Mother Teresa Parish: celebrating All Saints Day, on Christmas Eve and the May Crowning Mass.
We hold a brief, kid-friendly children's program on the First Saturday each month following the 9:30 a.m. Mass and Eucharistic Adoration. Through song, art, and play, children of all ages will learn about their faith and grow in love for God.
The Mother Teresa's Little Library is for children and teens to borrow books to learn more about the saints and our Catholic faith. It’s open to all children and teens of the parish, and we welcome children who are visiting Mother Teresa as well.
Library hours
The library will be open after Masses on the second Saturday and Sunday each month. Watch the bulletin and this webpage for special events and happenings. Children are welcome to borrow two books at a time.
2025 Schedule
January 11-12, February 8-9, March 8-9, April 4-5, May 10-11, June 14-15Adult Religious Books
Thanks to several generous donations, we now have a beautiful collection of adult religious books. You must first register with our Libib Library account to check out adult religious books. It’s a three-step process:
You can pick up the book you put on hold in the parish kitchen before or after Masses on Saturday evenings and Sunday mornings. Please place a hold on your book by Thursday evening for pick up that weekend. You can check out books for three weeks, and renewals are allowed.
Stock our shelves
If you would like to help us increase the number of books we have available, please visit Mother Teresa's Little Library Amazon Book Wishlist. You may donate a book in memory of a deceased or living loved one or a prayer intention. Just let us know. We’ll place a memorial sticker inside the book cover, and our library ministry and young readers will also pray for your loved one or your intention. If you purchase from Amazon, include a Gift Message indicating your memorial intention or email the intention along with the name of the donated book to Nicole Swannack.
Lost and Damaged Book Policy
Please treat our library books with care and respect. Do not write in or make marks in the books.
We understand that sometimes books get damaged or are lost. If this happens, please email [email protected] and let us know.
If a book is lost, we will ask you to pay the replacement fee for the cost of the book.
If a book is damaged, we will assess the damage and determine if there will be a replacement fee.
Our library receives no funding to maintain or grow our collection. In order for our library to maintain our collection and fulfill our mission to evangelize the parish youth through Catholic literature, we rely on our patron's adherence to our Lost and Damaged Book Policy.
The Holy Spirit has an incredible history of converting and forming hearts and minds through the written word. St. Augustine heard a child’s voice tell him to "tolle lege, tolle lege" (take up and read).
The Adventures of Loupio
by Jean-Francois Kieffer
Reviewed by Everett, age 6
I liked this book because you can learn about Jesus. I learned to respect God.
Recommend to others: Yes
Sister of the Last Straw # 1
by Karen Kelly Boyce
Reviewed by Rebecca, age 9
I liked this book because it was funny. I learned that when you offer a home to someone, you are offering a home to Jesus.
Recommend to others: Yes
A Christmas Tree for Jesus
by Susan Jones
Reviewed by Anne, age 5
I liked this book because I like the Christmas story.
Recommend to others: Yes
The Body of Saint Bernadette
by Father Andre Ravier
Reviewed by Teresa, age 7
I did not like this book because it is a little boring and has a lot of words. I learned that her body did not decompose.
Recommend to others: No
Stories Told by Mother Teresa
by Edward Le Joly and Jaya Chaliha
Reviewed by Teresa J., age 7
Yes, I liked this book because I am named after Mother Teresa, and I like stories. I learned that Mother Teresa is kind and helps the ones in need.
Recommend to others: Yes
The Adventures of Nick and Sam: Summer Grace
by Paul McCusker
Reviewed by Everett, age 6
I liked this book because it was fun to read. I learned to respect God.
Recommend to others: Yes
One Holy Marriage
by Katie Warner
Reviewed by Anne, age 5
I liked this book because of the God story.
Recommend to others: Yes
The Adventures of Nick and Sam: Summer Grace
by Paul McCusker
Reviewed by Rebecca, age 9
I liked the book because all the obstacles in it were fun. I learned that you can’t do anything without God!
Would you recommend this book to others? Yes
St. Rose of Lima
by Mary Fabyan Windeatt
Reviewed by Rose, age 10
I liked this book because I enjoyed learning about someone who lived a holy life. I learned that Rose of Lima and I share the same birthday. She also had a hermitage garden and was confirmed at the age of eleven.
Recommend to others: Yes