What a joyful day we celebrate this Easter 2024! Why? Because we are called and chosen to be the ones to tell this incredible news of the Resurrection of Jesus in our very lives, dear ones! To be more than just followers, to be friends of Christ, rejoicing in what death has brought to us — in new life!
This Easter marks our second celebration of the Triduum and Holy Week in our new home. What a difference it makes to be in a place that’s more than wood and stone, a place where memories are now possible because it is our home.
Palm Sunday that returned those leafy green welcome banners to our waiting hands which will wither and dry as sometimes our spirits do and once again become ashes of remembrance next year.
The gift of Holy Oils from the Chrism Mass that mark our loved ones born and dying as claimed by Christ. The power of prayer and music, light and silence at Tenebrae.
Holy Thursday, when we hear those familiar words, “This is my body, this is my blood.” Good Friday, a day that is all about the cross.
Holy Saturday, the return of the Easter Candle, lighting the way for those in darkness. And once again, to proclaim our alleluias as a joyful celebration as we express our gratitude for what faith has revealed, Christ is risen! We thank all those who helped make all of this possible this Lenten and Easter Season!
Many new people have found their way to our new home since it opened. We’re enriched by their presence and their choosing to be one with us on the journey. There are many who have yet to discover this community called Mother Teresa. Perhaps in this Easter Season, you might consider reaching out to someone you know who is searching and invite them to come with you to see what good things God is doing in this place we call home.
Father Daniel