The Diocese of Raleigh is updating its safe environment training renewal and criminal background screening system. Everyone (volunteers, clergy, and staff) in the database from 2023 or earlier will be asked to verify the data in the system and renew their training.
If you’re in the database, you’ll receive an email from the diocese tech support asking you to verify your profile date and renew your training via the new online system.
If you’re no longer involved in the ministry or have moved, please email [email protected] and we’ll delete your information from the database. Thank you for being so supportive in keeping MTCC a safe environment.
Renewal instructions
If you haven't received an email, here's how to renew your training:
On your first time logging into the site, you must first reset your password by clicking "Forgotten your username or password?" (do this instead of entering your username/email on the login screen)
You will be prompted to request a password reset using your email address. An email will be sent with instructions to update your password (these emails may go to your junk folder, they are from Tech Support [email protected]).
Follow the instructions you receive via email to update your password.
If you don’t receive the instructions via a password reset email, use the Technical Support button to contact Compass Tech Support or call 984-220-9949 for assistance.
After you have logged in, you will see your training course, Safe Environment Training – Annual Renewal One, on the Training Summary of your home page.